Elzara Seydametova


Elzara Seydametova (Kursait) was born on April 13, 1993, in Dzhankoy, Crimea. In 2016 she graduated the faculty of art in the Crimean Engineering Pedagogical University, Department of Decorative and Applied Art. Since 2013 she has been participating in different exhibitions. Also, Elzara is a member of an all-Russian creative public organization called «Union of Artists of Russia». All the works of hers could be found in the State public library in Rostov-on-Done. Elzara lives in Kirovskoye town (Islam-Terek) in Crimea. 

Elzara Seydametova is an artist of decorative painting. She works in graphics, wall painting, digital illustration. This young artist has its web-cite. 

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Author: Редакция Avdet
